Mom and Dad’s Group Wedding Photo in 1963

In the Photo

Far left you will see Ma’s brother (Uncle Dennis) in crutches.  Hiram Clark holding his daughter Tina and standing next to his wife Pearl. Ma’s brother (Uncle Ron) is standing in front of Tina. Ma’s Dad (Grandpa Henry) is holding Hiram’s son Junior.  Next to Grandpa you’ll see the beautiful bride, our Ma Sandra Molett ❤️ and the handsome groom, our Dad LC Molett ❤️.  In front of Ma is her youngest sister (Aunt Paulette), and Hiram’s daughter Kim is standing in front of Aunt Paulette.  Our Grandma Dorothy (Ma’s Mother) is standing next to our Dad, and Ma’s brother (Uncle Henry) is standing in front of Grandma.  Myrna is standing next to Henry, and Ma’s sister (Aunt Gail) is to her right.